Source code for aiscalator.airflow.command

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Apache Software License 2.0
# Copyright (c) 2018, Christophe Duong
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
Implementations of commands for Airflow
import logging
import re
from grp import getgrgid
from os import listdir
from os import makedirs
from os import remove
from os import stat
from os import symlink
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import basename
from os.path import dirname
from os.path import exists
from os.path import isfile
from os.path import islink
from os.path import join
from os.path import realpath
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from aiscalator.core import utils
from aiscalator.core.config import AiscalatorConfig
from aiscalator.core.log_regex_analyzer import LogRegexAnalyzer

def _docker_compose(conf: AiscalatorConfig,
                    extra_commands: list):
    Run the docker-compose command

    conf : AiscalatorConfig
        Configuration object for the application
    extra_commands : list
        list of sub-commands to run in docker-compose

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    dockerfile = join(conf.app_config_home(), "config",
    commands = ["docker-compose"]
    # Prepare a temp folder to run the command from
    with TemporaryDirectory(prefix="aiscalator_") as tmp:
        with open(join(tmp, ".env"), mode="w") as env_file:
            # concatenate all the env files into one
            for env in conf.user_env_file(conf.dag_field("definition.env")):
                if isfile(env):
                    with open(env, mode="r") as file:
                        for line in file:
        utils.copy_replace(join(tmp, ".env"),
                           join(dirname(dockerfile), ".env"))
    commands += ["-f", dockerfile] + extra_commands"Running...: %s", " ".join(commands))
    utils.subprocess_run(commands, no_redirect=True)

[docs]def airflow_setup(conf: AiscalatorConfig, config_home: str, workspace: list, append: bool = True): """ Setup the airflow configuration files and environment Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the application config_home : str path to the configuration home directory workspace : list List of path to directories to mount as volumes to airflow workers to use as workspaces append : bool flag to tell if workspace should be appended to the list in the config or replace it. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) conf.validate_config() if config_home: makedirs(config_home, exist_ok=True) conf.redefine_app_config_home(config_home) ws_path = "airflow.setup.workspace_paths" if conf.app_config_has(ws_path): if append: workspace += conf.app_config()[ws_path] conf.redefine_airflow_workspaces(workspace) image = 'latest' if _docker_compose_grep(conf): image = _airflow_docker_build(conf) if not image: raise Exception("Failed to build docker image") src = utils.data_file("../config/docker/airflow/config/") dst = join(conf.app_config_home(), "config")"Generating a new configuration folder for aiscalator:\n\t%s", dst) makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True) makedirs(join(conf.app_config_home(), "dags"), exist_ok=True) makedirs(join(conf.app_config_home(), "pgdata"), exist_ok=True) makedirs(join(conf.app_config_home(), "workspace"), exist_ok=True) pattern = [ r"(\s+)# - workspace #", "aiscalator/airflow:latest", ] workspace = [] for line in conf.app_config()[ws_path]: host_src, container_dst = _split_workspace_string(conf, line) # bind the same path from host in the container (after creating a # symbolic link at container_dst path) workspace += [r"\1- " + host_src + ':' + host_src] workspace += [r"\1# - workspace #"] value = [ "\n".join(workspace), "aiscalator/airflow:" + image, ] for file in listdir(src): utils.copy_replace(join(src, file), join(dst, file), pattern=pattern, replace_value=value)
[docs]def airflow_up(conf: AiscalatorConfig): """ Starts an airflow environment Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the application """ if _docker_compose_grep(conf): if not _airflow_docker_build(conf): raise Exception("Failed to build docker image") _docker_compose(conf, ["up", "-d"])
def _docker_compose_grep(conf: AiscalatorConfig): """ Checks if the docker-compose file is using the aiscalator/airflow docker image. In which case, we need to make sure that image is properly built and available. Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the application Returns ------- bool Returns if aiscalator/airflow docker image is needed and should be built. """ docker_compose_file = join(conf.app_config_home(), "config", conf.airflow_docker_compose_file()) pattern = re.compile(r"\s+image:\s+aiscalator/airflow") try: with open(docker_compose_file, "r") as file: for line in file: if re.match(pattern, line): # docker compose needs the image return True except FileNotFoundError: # no docker compose, default will need the image return True return False def _airflow_docker_build(conf: AiscalatorConfig): """ Build the aiscalator/airflow image and return its ID.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO get airflow dockerfile from conf? conf.app_config_home() dockerfile_dir = utils.data_file("../config/docker/airflow") # TODO customize dockerfile with apt_packages, requirements etc docker_gid, docker_group = _find_docker_gid_group() commands = [ "docker", "build", "--build-arg", "DOCKER_GID=" + str(docker_gid), "--build-arg", "DOCKER_GROUP=" + str(docker_group), "--rm", "-t", "aiscalator/airflow:latest", dockerfile_dir ] log = LogRegexAnalyzer(b'Successfully built ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\n')"Running...: %s", " ".join(commands)) utils.subprocess_run(commands, log_function=log.grep_logs) result = log.artifact() if result: # tag the image built with the sha256 of the dockerfile tag = utils.sha256(join(dockerfile_dir, 'Dockerfile'))[:12] commands = [ "docker", "tag", result, "aiscalator/airflow:" + tag ]"Running...: %s", " ".join(commands)) utils.subprocess_run(commands) return tag return None def _find_docker_gid_group(): """Returns the group ID and name owning the /var/run/docker.sock file""" stat_info = stat('/var/run/docker.sock') if stat_info: gid = stat_info.st_gid return gid, getgrgid(gid)[0] return None, None
[docs]def airflow_down(conf: AiscalatorConfig): """ Stop an airflow environment Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the application """ _docker_compose(conf, ["down"])
[docs]def airflow_cmd(conf: AiscalatorConfig, service="webserver", cmd=None): """ Execute an airflow subcommand Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the application service : string service name of the container where to run the command cmd : list subcommands to run """ commands = [ "run", "--rm", service, ] if cmd is not None: commands += cmd else: commands += ["airflow"] _docker_compose(conf, commands)
[docs]def airflow_edit(conf: AiscalatorConfig): """ Starts an airflow environment Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the application """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) conf.validate_config() docker_image = _airflow_docker_build(conf) if docker_image: # TODO: shutdown other jupyter lab still running port = 10001 notebook = basename(conf.dag_field('definition.code_path')) notebook, notebook_py = utils.notebook_file(notebook) commands = _prepare_docker_env(conf, [ "aiscalator/airflow:" + docker_image, "bash", "/", "/usr/local/airflow/work/" + notebook_py + ":/usr/local/airflow/dags/" + notebook_py ], port) return utils.wait_for_jupyter_lab(commands, logger, notebook, port, "work") raise Exception("Failed to build docker image")
def _prepare_docker_env(conf: AiscalatorConfig, program, port): """ Assembles the list of commands to execute a docker run call When calling "docker run ...", this function also adds a set of additional parameters to mount the proper volumes and expose the correct environment for the call in the docker image. Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the step program : List the rest of the commands to execute as part of the docker run call Returns ------- List The full Array of Strings representing the commands to execute in the docker run call """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) commands = [ "docker", "run", "--name", conf.dag_container_name() + "_edit", "--rm", # TODO improve port publishing "-p", str(port) + ":8888", "-p", "18080:8080", ] for env in conf.user_env_file(conf.dag_field("definition.env")): if isfile(env): commands += ["--env-file", env] commands += [ "--mount", "type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock," "target=/var/run/docker.sock", ] code_path = conf.dag_file_path('definition.code_path') notebook, _ = utils.notebook_file(code_path) utils.check_notebook_dir(logger, notebook) commands += [ "--mount", "type=bind,source=" + dirname(notebook) + ",target=/usr/local/airflow/work/", ] if conf.config_path() is not None: commands += [ "--mount", "type=bind,source=" + abspath(conf.config_path()) + ",target=" "/usr/local/airflow/" + basename(conf.config_path()), ] workspace = [] ws_path = "airflow.setup.workspace_paths" if conf.app_config_has(ws_path): ws_home = join(conf.app_config_home(), "workspace") makedirs(ws_home, exist_ok=True) for folder in conf.app_config()[ws_path]: src, dst = _split_workspace_string(conf, folder) # bind the same path from host in the container (after creating # a symbolic link at dst path) workspace += [src + ":" + src] commands += [ "--mount", "type=bind,source=" + src + ",target=" + src ] commands += [ "--mount", "type=bind,source=" + ws_home + ",target=/usr/local/airflow/workspace/" ] commands += program + workspace return commands def _split_workspace_string(conf: AiscalatorConfig, workspace): """ Interprets the workspace string and split into src and dst paths: - The src is a path on the host machine. - The dst is a path on the container. In case, the workspace string doesn't specify both paths separated by a ':', this function will automatically mount it in the $app_config_home_directory/work/ folder creating a symbolic link with the same basename as the workspace. Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the step workspace : str the workspace string to interpret Returns ------- (str, str) A tuple with both src and dst paths """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) root_dir = conf.app_config_home() if workspace.strip(): if ':' in workspace: src = abspath(workspace.split(':')[0]) if not src.startswith('/'): src = abspath(join(root_dir, src)) dst = workspace.split(':')[1] if not dst.startswith('/'): dst = abspath(join(root_dir, dst)) else: src = abspath(workspace) if not src.startswith('/'): src = abspath(join(root_dir, src)) # in the workspace special folder, we'll create the same named # folder (basename) that is actually a link back to the one # we want to include in our workspace. dst = join("workspace", basename(workspace.strip('/'))) link = join(root_dir, dst) if realpath(src) != realpath(link): if exists(link) and islink(link): logger.warning("Removing an existing symbolic" " link %s -> %s", link, realpath(link)) remove(link) if not exists(link):"Creating a symbolic link %s -> %s", link, src) symlink(src, link) dst = "/usr/local/airflow/" + dst return src, dst return None, None
[docs]def airflow_push(conf: AiscalatorConfig): """ Starts an airflow environment Parameters ---------- conf : AiscalatorConfig Configuration object for the application """ # TODO to implement logging.error("Not implemented yet %s", conf.app_config_home())